
Project on developing a medical ventilator serving multiple patients

Consulate General of Hungary in Hong Kong would like to share an innovative medical ventilator project with CGCC members. The team of the Hungarian Óbuda University, a challange winner at the EUvsVirus pan-European hackathon – hosted by the European Commission to connect innovators, partners, civil society and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges – is looking to connect with  ’maker groups, universities, institutes and manufacturers, who are ready to adapt and build the system for their own country based on the plans and blueprints they share with them’ and ’medical device companies who are interested in transforming the prototype into a product.’


For information on the competition you may visit the website https://euvsvirus.org/results/

For the details of the project on developing a medical ventilator designed for serving multiple patients at the same time, please check the attachmed PDF.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Trade Commissioner Ms. Krisztina Dóra KOLETÁR at Krisztina.Koletar@mfa.gov.hu.