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Invitation to the Korea-Hong Kong Cooperation Forum - Entering the GBA

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong is inviting our member to join the Korea-Hong Kong Cooperation Forum : Entering the GBA, which will take place on Wednesday, June 12 2019, at Oasis Room of the Renaissance Hong Kong Harbour View Hotel.


The purpose of the event is to help increase people's understanding to the GBA and to seek business opportunities to enter the GBA. Also to explore possible cooperation chances through discussions by experts for Korea and Hong Kong to enter the GBA.


The Korea-Hong Kong Cooperation Forum will be held with details as follows:



12 June, 2019 (Wednesday)



18:30 – 20:30 (18:00~18:30 Registration, Dinner Provided)



Oasis Room, Renaissance Hong Kong Harbour View Hotel
1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Keynote Speech



Industry Cooperation with Korea, in the era of the Greater Bay Area and 4th   Industrial Revolution

 - By Dr. Sanghoon Kim, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy




Your All-rounded Innovation & Technology Partner Hong Kong and GBA

 - By Mr. Jeffrey Sit, General Manager, Hong Kong Productivity Council



• Dr. Sanghoon Kim

• Mr. Jeffrey Sit

• Prof. Li Chen (Assistant Professor, CUHK)

• Mr. Philsang Lee (Head of Asia Pacific Research, Miraeasset Global Investments)


Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Christie LUK (email: hkg-eco@mofa.go.kr; office no. 2862-1525).