
Chairman's Message
Chairman's Message

As the retirement protection system has a far-reaching impact on the overall development of Hong Kong’s society, the authorities must examine the affordability of the society, and strike a balance between improving the social security system and promoting sustainable economic development.


The labour policies should take into account business operations and sustainable overall economic development while protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees.


As China deepens its development in all directions and actively constructs external connectivity, enormous business opportunities will be generated for Hong Kong, we must seize this rare opportunity.


We hope that the society will cherish our hard-won prosperity and stability and work together to bring our focus back onto economic development and improving people’s livelihood to regain Hong Kong’s positive energy and Lion Rock Spirit in order to open up more space for Hong Kong and our next generation’s development.


The Chamber will fully cooperate with the HKSAR Government and look forward to the active cooperation of different sectors so that the various policy measures can be put in place as soon as possible, working together to drive Hong Kong’s economy forward.


China’s “13th-Five-year” Plan will fully drive the economic structure towards upgrading and transforming into the service industry direction. The strategic development of “One Belt and One Road” will also further generate momentum to the vast demand for trade in services in the region.


We hope the authorities would actively unite all sectors of society to jointly inject new impetus
for Hong Kong’s development and foster new economic growth engines by increasing
support for industries where Hong Kong has competitive advantages and also SMEs, while
further developing Hong Kong's competitive advantages to capture the opportunities arising
from the country’s new strategic development.


I am very honoured to work together with all our members to continue focusing on four main areas in the Chamber’s future undertakings, performing
the unique functions as a chamber of commerce in promoting Hong Kong’s
long-term development and national development.


The HKSAR Government can consider setting up a development fund for the
cultural and creative industries to promote the industries where Hong Kong has
certain strengths, such as films, music, dramas and animation, so that they become the pop icons in the Greater China and even Asia region.


Hong Kong not only has the fundamental elements and support services for promoting the development of technology, innovation and creativity, but also is oriented towards the huge markets of the Mainland, Greater China and Asia.