
Chairman's Message
Chairman's Message

It can be expected that the government’s administration and operation of the LegCo will be much more efficient under the new electoral system.


By acting in concert with Greater Bay Area’s development direction and the country’s development framework, Hong Kong businesses will be able to find immense opportunities in the Greater Bay Area market.


With an improved and stable administrative system, Hong Kong will be able to focus on economic development and social construction.


A stable social environment is crucial to the effective implementation of the support measures proposed by the Budget, and to helping businesses to tap into new opportunities under the new circumstances.


We hope the upcoming Budget will present targeted financial support for heavily hit businesses and local residents.


It is all the more important for Hong Kong to take advantage of the
“One Country, Two Systems” principle to reposition itself and speed up integration with the Mainland.


This year’s Policy Address shed light on how Hong Kong, by leveraging the Central government’s support, can further participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area in such aspects as finance, innovation and technology (I&T), infrastructure and youth development.